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Semiconductor Engineering and Manufacturing Services

Chips on the table

Our work in the semiconductor sector encompasses a broad range of design, engineering, build and test-support, providing our clients with the necessary tools and systems to thrive in this dynamic environment. Examples include: 

  • Automated test equipment platforms deployed across the world
  • Custom test rack systems with integrated instrumentation equipment
  • Cooling and device monitoring
  • Vibration analysis for laser trimming systems 
  • Lift systems for servicing equipment in narrow spaces
  • Carts for use in cleanrooms

Semiconductor Fancy

To illustrate our breadth and depth of services, we've developed optical testers and control boards including rack-mount design and configuration, off-the-shelf test instrumentation integration, air/fluid flow analysis for cooling, software and network configuration management, safety controls, GUI development and solutions that address service issues.

Semiconductor Cleanroom

We're invested in your success. We ensure that your products are powered by reliable and forward-thinking technology. Our multi-disciplinary approach, combined with a deep understanding of the semiconductor landscape, positions us as a valuable ally in your quest for innovation and efficiency.

Find out how we can securely integrate, design, create, and solve for your unique challenges.