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John Schlottmann

Strategic Account Manager

My experience spans 25+ years of customer facing engagements in the embedded engineering and product development industry. I deeply enjoy the energy, the excitement, and the challenge of engaging with customers and then working with the team to craft a plan that will transform their vision into a high-value solution. Our best gauge that we are meeting and exceeding customers' expectations is when they return for a second, a third, or multiple projects. While at Sigma Design it's been a privilege to support some of these customers for over 10 years.

John Schlottmann   Strategic Account Manager (2)

Questions & Answers

How do you make people laugh?

Being able to make fun of myself. I will often make light of my flaws, mishaps and life challenges

If you were a tool or piece of equipment, what would you be and why?

A flashlight-the right tool just doesn't make your job easier, it improves your performance. A flashlight illuminates the darkness, provides peace of mind and real security. It can be compact and out of the way until you really need it and then lights up the path in front of you. It can be practical and help with simple chores, light up the way during outdoor adventures and even make you laugh when creating shadows on the wall.

What's your favorite productivity hack or time-saving trick?

Depends on the situation but I'm a fan of "staging" items. Whether you are building something, cooking something or preparing a PowerPoint, proper preparation and planning makes for efficient workflow. I will have everything laid out in front of me and typically in the order they will be used.