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Corwin Whitefield

Mechanical Engineer

As a Mechanical Engineer, I'm passionate about building designs that excel in every stage of their lifecycle - in manufacturing, in usage, and in long-term service. With more than a decade of engineering experience across industries ranging from consumer electronics to electrical infrastructure, I'm used to taking complex requirements and objectives and translating them into robust, effective solutions. I especially enjoy working with cross-disciplinary teams, building synergy between mechanical, electrical, software, and human factors elements. That's one of the reasons I love working at Sigma - regardless of specialization, we're all ready to dig and work together to meet new challenges head-on.
Corwin Whitefield   Mechanical Engineer

Questions & Answers

How do you make people laugh?

I'll admit it - I make puns. Some say it's the lowest form of humor, but I can't help it. I try to keep it tasteful - but like licorice, it's something of an acquired taste.

If you were a tool or piece of equipment, what would you be and why?

I would be a 3D printer. They've been a passion of mine since high school, and they provide an incredible degree of versatility. They also work exclusively by building things up, never by tearing things down, and I bring that same energy into my project teams.

What's your favorite productivity hack or time-saving trick?

When I'm working on projects involving large, dynamic teams, I like to maintain a presentation deck covering important aspects of design history and key reference elements for my work. It's important to take good notes anyway, and being able to quickly provide a rundown to new team members, or having slides available for my project manager to use, saves everyone time and keeps us all on the same page.