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Beau Woodbyrne

Test Engineer

I am a self taught software/Test engineer who aspires to one day be a video game programmer.
I love to golf, hike, eat great food, and have a good laugh. I have a fairly extensive background
in driver validation and have firm roots in software testing. I love making new things and am
always learning something new.

Beau Woodbyrne2024

Questions & Answers

How do you make people laugh?

Crack a few jokes and share a few TikToks. The classics!

If you were a tool or piece of equipment, what would you be and why?

Swiss army knife. I know how to do a lot and can figure out most things that I don't.

What's your favorite productivity hack or time-saving trick?

If you have a large task with many facets, it can feel overwhelming to come up with a plan to see the task to completion. If you break it apart into smaller pieces it makes the tasks much easier to accomplish. Just like a Rubiks cube. If you try to solve it all at once you will never get there, but if you work on it one piece at a time, you may actually solve it.